Free QR Code Generator. No sign-up required.

Generate FREE QR Codes for your event, business, or personal use. No Sign-up Required.

Create Custom QR Codes Easily

Create free QR Code for free. No signup. Unlimited

Create a QR Code code your URL for FREE

Add your URL/Link to instantly get your QR Code - within seconds

Free Qr Code generator - customize qr code

Customize QR Code

Create your QR Code for unlimited number of links with colors that match your theme or brand.

How to generate a QR Code

  • Enter the URL or Link you want to create the QR Code for into the URL text box.
  • Next, to personalize your QR Code, use the color pickers to customize the colors of the dots and background. While the default design is black and white, you can easily choose colors that align with your branding or design theme for a more unique and eye-catching look.
  • Click the "Download QR Code" button to save your QR Code to your device.

Planning a special event?

Capture all the candid moments effortlessly! Set up your event in just minutes with GuestCam, where guests can share their photos and more. Start preserving memories today that you'll treasure forever.

Questions & Answers

Do I need to create an account in order to generate a QR Code?
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Is the the QR Code generator really free?
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What is a QR Code and how do they work?
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What are the benefits of using a QR Code?
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Can I use QR Code for my wedding?
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GuestCam demo event QR Code